Elf t-shirt Gallery
The Christmas movie Elf starring Will Ferrell has been spreading holiday cheer since its release in 2003. In it we meet Buddy, who after living his life as a toymaker in Santa's workshop discovers he is human. Feeling confused, he decides to venture from the North Pole to New York City in search of his long lost father. His sheltered life and holiday expertise send him on a crazy adventure that pays off in more ways than one. If Buddy sends you screaming for Santa, peruse our gallery of Elf t-shirts and clothing including the Cotton Headed Ninny Muggins shirt, Smiling is My Favorite t-shirt, as well as Jovie and Buddy the Elf costumes.
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Mr. Narwal Bye Buddy t-shirt
Description: As Buddy decides to trek from Santa's layer in the North Pole to find his naughty-list father, Walter Hobbs (James Caan), he encounters many of his friends along the way who wish him luck on the voyage. This Elf tee features his whale friend Mr. Narwal (named after the Narwhal species of whale), who bids him farewell from the ocean before he hops onto a nearby iceberg to begin his journey. Buddy travels through the seven levels of the Candy Cane forest, a sea of swirly twirly gumdrops and the Lincoln Tunnel in order to reach his father. Support his efforts with Elf tees and merchandise today! Link to: Mr. Narwal Bye Buddy

Cotton Headed Ninny Muggins
Description: Buddy the Elf knows that he's not as fast as the other elves. This is evident to him when he falls 915 off pace when putting together Etch-a-Sketches. He expresses his frustration by calling himself the most forbidden of all elf terms, a Cotton Headed Ninny Muggins. The t-shirt shown here displays the phrase in frosty font with snowflakes around it. Soon after, Buddy begins to accept the fact that he is a human. Wear this bestselling design and bring a smile to the faces of fellow humans. Link to: Cotton Headed Ninny Muggins

Son of a Nutcracker t-shirt
Description: What would you say if you were unexpectedly walloped in the head by a snowball? Son of a nutcracker! Okay, that probably isn't what you would say, but it is the phrase of choice for elves. This Buddy the Elf t-shirt features the expression as well as the human himself. If you like this Will Ferrell Son of a Nutcracker shirt then get one before it's gone. Impress your girlfriend in her Elf Jovie costume. Link to: Son of a Nutcracker

The Code of Elves t-shirt
Description: Also available on mugs, this The Code of Elves shirt displays the three rules that all elves must follow. 1. Treat every day like Christmas. 2. There's room for everyone on the nice list. 3. The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear. Papa Elf (Bob Newhart) teaches his class, including Buddy, this all important code. A red North Pole sign appears in the lower right corner of the design. Remind everyone around you to always respect The Code of Elves. Link to: The Code of Elves

Buddy's Journey t-shirt
Description: Smiling may be Buddy's favorite but his boss doesn't consider that a good thing, in fact, it creeps him out. Of course, who wouldn't be happy after a journey through the seven levels of the Candy Cane Forest and the sea of swirley twirley gumdrops. This map design retraces his route that ended with him journeying through the Lincoln Tunnel. Of course, I don't think there is anything that he isn't amenable to, work included. Grab this Elf shirt now. It will put a smile on your face in no time, whether you're on your own journey or just sitting on the couch. Link to: Buddy's Journey

Jovie and Buddy the Elf Costumes
Description: Whether you are looking for a green and yellow Will Ferrell Elf costume or a pink and red Zooey Deschanel Jovie costume, you are in luck. They are both available in a variety of sizes and you can also get the Elf wig. Pick one or pair them off for a creative couples' costume ideal for Christmas or Halloween. If you haven't noticed, the costumes used in the Elf movie were modeled after the elves' outfits in the classic television movie, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer from 1964. If this is a little too much, check out some of our other Elf clothing options like the Elf costume t-shirt below. Link to: Jovie and Buddy the Elf Costumes

Elf Quotes t-shirt
Description: This Elf quotes design displays a collage of images and quotes representing the funniest lines from the movie. It's the ideal choice for fans who love the entire film. Be like Buddy and let everyone know that you're down for the Claus as you repeat these Will Ferrell quotes. Don't miss our other amusing Elf shirts like the Cotton Headed Ninny Muggins t-shirt and the Smiling is My Favorite t-shirt below. To put yourself in the holiday mood, watch the Elf DVD so you can enjoy Buddy the Elf's quotes all over again. Link to: Elf Quotes

Smiling is My Favorite t-shirt
Description: Is smiling your favorite? It was Buddy's until his boss convinced him that work should be his new favorite. He took it to the extreme though, creating a mind blowing Christmas display that resembled Santa's workshop in his new employer's toy department. His creation featured glowing Lite Brite signs, a massive Lego city and hundreds of intricate paper snowflakes. If this would put a smile on your face like it did mine then so will this Buddy the Elf t-shirt. For more merchandise like Elf wigs and movie costumes, be sure to check out the rest of the gallery. You will be smiling in no time. Link to: Smiling is My Favorite

I'm a Human...Raised by Elves tee |
I'm a Human...Raised by Humans t-shirt
Description: Buy one or both of these designs for the perfect Elf couples costume. Wear them with your significant other as you remind everyone, "The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear." That's some pretty insightful advice, but for someone who was raised by elves it is common knowledge. If you wish this lesson had been a part of your standard curriculum then get the latter Will Ferrell t-shirt now. If you grew up with the lesson and have always felt like singing a bit or just listening to some holiday favorites, then the first design is for you. Link to: I'm a Human...Raised by Elves |
I'm a Human...Raised by Humans

Elf Costume t-shirt
Description: This Buddy the Elf costume tee is ideal for anyone looking for a quick costume for Halloween or Christmas. For a more complete look with hats, shoes and more, check out our green Buddy and pink Jovie costume featured here. For an easy addition to your outfit, be sure to take along a bottle of syrup. Along with candy, candy canes and candy corn, you have the four main elf food groups. Link to: Elf Costume

Elf Cotton Headed Ninny Muggins tee
Description: Calling an acquaintance a Cotton Headed Ninny Muggins is one of the worst insults that one elf can bestow upon another. When Buddy (Will Ferrell) uses this label to emphasize his disappointment in himself, the elves around him gasp in disbelief. To most people, the term sounds more playful than insulting, which is what makes this Cotton Headed Ninny Muggins t-shirt so fitting. There's just something about the elf swinging on a bell that makes me smile. Perhaps we all have a bit of the Ninny Muggin in us. Link to: Elf Cotton Headed Ninny Muggins

Buddy the Elf's Food Groups t-shirt
Description: What are an elf's four main food groups? Candy, candy canes, candy corn and syrup of course! They require a lot more sugar in their daily diets than humans. The front of this Buddy the Elf t-shirt displays the humorous food pyramid that Santa's helpers use to regulate their nutrition. It's no wonder that they have so much hyper energy. Link to: Buddy the Elf's Food Groups

Son of a Nutcracker Elf tee
Description: This design displays the Son of a Nutcracker quote from the Elf movie. It's the ideal expression to use after you've been pelted in the head with a snowball. With the help of Buddy's snowball making skills and machine gun arm, it will be easy to exact revenge on your enemies, one snowball at a time. The design also features a holiday nutcracker figure and his son with elf costume colors. Crack some nuts in this Will Ferrell Elf tee that's perfect for the holidays or any time of the year. Link to: Son of a Nutcracker Elf

Christmas Cheer Elf t-shirt
Description: If you've seen the Elf movie, then you know that the best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear. Not only is this part of The Code of Elves, Buddy tells Jovie (Zooey Deschanel) this when he notices that she's not in the holiday mood. This Buddy the Elf shirt reminds everyone of this important holiday fact. Put on the tee and follow its advice like Buddy does in the store. Hopefully, the store manager won't tell you that there is no singing in the North Pole. Of course there is. Link to: Christmas Cheer Elf

You Don't Smell Like Santa Elf Movie tee
Description: Have you ever known someone who always seems to be smiling, even when their world is crumbling around them? Buddy the Elf is a lot like this and it's probably the direct result of being raised by elves, not to mention being surrounded by candy, toys, presents and snow for his entire life. What doesn't make him smile is when he suspects that the Santa at the store is an impostor. "You smell like beef and cheese... You don't smell like Santa." Spread the cheer with this design that features an image of the movie character. Let smiling be your favorite again. Link to: You Don't Smell Like Santa Elf Movie

I Know Him! Elf Santa t-shirt
Description: When Buddy's boss at Gimbels makes the announcement that "Santa is coming to town" the following morning and will be at the store to take pictures at 10 a.m., Buddy exclaims in a burst of excitement, "I know him!" He then lets another employee, also dressed as one of Santa's helpers, in on the announcement. This design informs everyone that you know Santa too. Link to: I Know Him! Elf Santa

Cotton Headed Ninny Muggins t-shirt
Description: Upon hearing that he is 915 off the pace in assembling Etch-a-Sketches, Buddy the Elf gets down on himself. After referring to himself as a cotton headed ninny muggins, the rest of the elves gasp in shock. If this scene sticks in your head every time you watch it, then this is the tee for you. It is available in heather in a variety of styles for men, women and children. Pick up this Cotton Headed Ninny Muggins Elf t-shirt for yourself and a Son of a Nutcracker shirt for the holiday fan in your life. Link to: Cotton Headed Ninny Muggins